Wednesday, September 24, 2008

His Faithfulness!

Twelve years ago my life was falling apart. I was going through a divorce with the man I had given my heart and soul to and the father of my three beautiful children. I was heartbroken, crushed and felt like I was suffocating. Many times and for many, many days I would just walk around repeating "I am alive, I will survive". I did not see how I could ever trust or give my heart away again, but God saw my pain and my broken heart and He healed me. I looked to God to help me during this time and He was always faithful and always there!

A year went by and I found myself asking God for a husband, but not just any man. I specifically said, "God I want a man that I will be attracted to you inside of him, and I want him to be attracted to you inside of me"! After praying and making my requests known to God, I started thanking Him for my husband and everyday I continued to thank Him. A few months went by and one Sunday morning in December of 1997 I was sitting in church and felt like I was suppose to give my wedding rings away (I had not been wearing them but for some reason that day I did). I put my rings into an envelope and the only thing I wrote on the envelope was this is a faith seed, and then I dropped it in the offering. Those wedding rings symbolized a marriage relationship and I was planting a seed for the marriage that God had for me. On the last day of December 1997 I was at church for a New Years Eve party and I was introduced to Travis Bell... Now we have been happily married 10 years. Happy Anniversary, Honey!
Psalm 40:16 Let all those that seek and require You rejoice and be glad in You. Let such as love Your salvation say continually The Lord be magnified!

1 comment:

The Jane Family said...

That is a beautiful and precious story. Congrats on ten yrs!